It's time for our weekly update Apes. Marketing:. Here we are my little Ape Frens. Times are a'changing and for the better.

17 Feb 2022, 05:09
It’s time for our weekly update Apes! Marketing: Here we are my little Ape Frens! Times are a’changing and for the better. We are throwing everything we have at this and we are stoked about what we have to show you! We are currently onboarding some exceptionally talented specialists into The MonkeyFirm, which will allow us to target every possible opportunity available out there. As you know, our twitter account has taken on a new approach and the analytics are throwing us some exceptionally positive numbers! You will see this ramp up even further as we begin to rally our troops! Please like and retweet champs the more the merrier. Brand exposure is our best friend. ApeGame Part Two: ApePrentice, we did lose a week here unfortunately, through juggling announcement dates in our overall strategy etc. However, as mentioned before, timing is of the utmost importance for marketing plan and this was a conscious decision. Regardless, we have been spreading the word and applications to play will commence early next week. Secure your position, as it is a lot of fun, cash prizes are to be won and NFTs are always a bonus. As you know we have secured a new playmate! After discussions with them earlier in the week, we have mutually decided to keep this information on the hush hush until our new product is live. Full integration with this project is aimed to be on the 15th March. MASSIVE BENEFIT is they have an exceptionally strong marketing department and are excited to push our product alongside us. Development: Yep, we are most definitely still tracking for the 15th of March! The UI portion of our polished platform is nearly complete. Our devs are currently going through this with a fine tooth comb ensuring it is tidy. The devs have advised they are hoping to deploy to our staging website by the weekend or early next week. The backend will not be fully integrated by then, but they have ensured they will keep us updated on their progress. Integration of the subgraph is still in process, so there is not much else to update here yet. Backend: Our guys were able to complete a few more endpoints including spot prices. Exciting no? Other token information: Still in the final stages of Quality Assurance to get APE and MFRM playable. We will be sure to provide more info as soon as we can. This Apes is our weekly update, if we have more for you, we will share with you before any others.